Author Archive

Bombay To Goa (1) – Getting a car in Bombay

Being tempted by an evil spirit, I finally started looking for a car. You may ask “Do you even have an Indian driver’s license?” Nope! So I started going to a driving school to get an Indian driver’s license at the same time.

I never had the idea of driving a car in Bombay before. Bombay roads are the craziest thing. Cars go down in the wrong direction, crazy traffic jams, street kids and beggars, dogs, cows, goats, and auto-rickshaw, auto-rickshaw, auto-rickshaw…(endless). Also Bombay public transportation is quite convenient. So I used to say “I am not in a rural area of Aichi anymore. A metropolitan doesn’t need a car.”

Things changed after I visited Mahabareshwa and Lonavara, big hill stations near Bombay by car. If you drive just one hour away from Bombay, you have everything that you can’t get in Bombay; beautiful mountains, sea, river, and villages, full of green, clear air, fresh vegetables and fruit, and animals. How nice if I have my own car to visit all places and takes photos.

My old boss used to say “Visualize, so it comes true.” Once there’s a picture in your head, you can’t resist painting it. OK, I want to get a car. I want to drive myself to Lonavara in the rainy season with my friends, or Aliberg beach and eat a king fish. I want to take a long trip along the Konkan coast down to Goa. Alright, that’s my goal in this year; real “Bombay To Goa.” We would play the movie songs with my car stereo on the way.

Only things to do are get a license, become a good and tough driver, and get a good condition car. That shouldn’t be too difficult. Life is always about challenging or not-challenging. Starting a new business, writing a book, playing a trombone, getting married or having a baby; I don’t do all those life-turning things, but buying a small car in a foreign country where I never know when the government suspends my working visa is an enough risky but exciting project. Anyway, the best strategy of life is saying “I do” by heart and then think about how to do that. It’s not the other way around.

My friend said “Yes, you may die by car crash, but at least people will think ‘Oh ok, so she had a car!’, that’s better than just being hit by a car. So don’t worry.” That’s a relief. But no, I will be a super safety driver protected by God for no traffic accident. It’s about visualization.

New Blog Address!

Hi, I have moved the blog URL into to use the blog name in the address. I am sorry for your inconvenience, but please just take your one minutes to open the new URL and subscribe it again with the new address. I will update the blog on the new address from now on.

Thank you very much.

Ai Kanoh


いつも読んでくださるかた、たびたびすみませんが、ブログのURLをBombay Dogというタイトルにあわせて変更します。下のやつが新しいURLで今後この新しいURLのブログからコンテンツ配信します。(中身はまったくおんなじです。)


加納 愛

Completed Three Years

One of my old senior staff, H, said to me, “Continue three years anyway, so it will be something.” Here, I have just completed three years working for this Indian venture company, and, yeah, may I say it is definitely something to me. I don’t know what exactly it means to me, though.

This is my forth contract with the company. I sign for one year contract every year end. Foreign staff in the company basically works for a few years contract, and I always tell the company that I am comfortable not to sign for more than one year, because in this way, I can always be conscious. I keep questioning how much working for the company and living in India still means to me. Am I still in? I haven’t had an answer of “No”, yet to myself, so I am still here.

In another sense, the company is also safe as they can let me off in one year if I am not performing. It’s simpler. There are many things to do out there. There are many interests. So even though I am quite deep into my job, I try to be flexible and not stick to what I have. Knowing that I could have done many other things out of this company, I choose my work. This way, my decision is more highlighted. I can go anywhere, but I choose to be here.

Everytime my family calls me, they say “So, have you started thinking to come back?” I laugh. I keep telling them I will never come back. But they don’t believe me. But I am serious. I don’t have intention to go back to Japan, nor get a work there and make happy kids. I say to my mother, “When you get old, just come to India so I will take care of you.” They think I am joking, but I am not joking at all. I guess I just want to be away, for a long time.

Now I don’t have time to think through my life plan or whatever. There’s an exciting work and good friends. I wake up and list up works to do on the way to the office, and I sleep after taking memos of ideas on my pillow. I claim my stress and anger to people and share nice dine together. What else do I ask for? Maybe a happy holiday? Anyway, one more year to go. It’s a frontier.

*By the way, my company is hiring Japanese staff now. Check it out:

ナヴィ・ムンバイの病院(2) 病院で向かえた31歳の誕生日








ナヴィ・ムンバイの病院(1) Fortisは悪くない

ムンバイの病院に初めて入院した。胃腸炎である。私は生まれつき胃腸が弱いうえに神経が弱いので、疲れやストレスで胃腸がストを起こしてぶったおれることがよくある。ムンバイではわりとスローに暮らしていたのでこれまでやらずに済んでいたのだが、ここんんところの激務でドカンときちゃったようである。というわけで、3泊4日でナビ・ムンバイのVashiにあるFortisグループのヒラナンダニ・ホスピタル(Hiranandani Hospotal)に滞在した。







Tibetan Gyoza Stall

Two months ago, one Tibetan family opened a small food stall of momo on the street in front of my office. Momo is a Tibetan food which is very similar to steamed gyoza, Chinese dimsum.


A young Tibetan boy opens the small stall at 2 p.m.; the stall is only 1.5 meter wide and 1 meter deep. Very small wooden counter only. He puts a triple-decker steamer on a small gas stove and lines up gyoza which he prepared at home in each level of steamer. Turns on the gas and waits for the first customer. After five when the hottest time is over, his mother joins at the stall and cooks more momos for people who are on the way home.

I found this stall a week ago. I happened to see the handwritten sign on a cardboard hanged up on the street. It said “Momo, Veg/Non-Veg, Rs. 20.” They serve 5 pieces of momo with a cup of vegetable soup. The momo, especially their veg-momos remind me the nostalgic Japanese gyoza taste (which I don’t remember exactly since I haven’t had it for more than three years). Since then, I go to the stall almost every day and have a plate of momos.


Everytime I go, I explain to the shopkeepers how much I like their momos and how it’s better than the fake momos sold in fancy shopping malls. The mother says “Of course it’s good because I cook it here in front of you. It’s fresh, and it’s a real Tibetan momos.” She actually doesn’t speak so much English, and I don’t speak Hindi, so a book shop keeper next of the momo stall jumps in and translates for us in between.

Before I came to India, I had never thought of myself finding nostalgia in Tibet. Tibet was a far and mysterious country that I never be related. But we have similar features; many Indian people recognize me as Tibetan. And here in Bombay, where the signs of Japan are so lack, I feel like Tibet is another blood family and Tibetan momos make me feel safe.


I guess Tibetan people living in Bombay also miss the country and find Japanese people as a little closer relative. They are often waiters at restaurants, local shop keepers, or beauticians. When they see me, they ask my name and nationality. Indian people also do the same thing often, but with more curiosity to things that is not familiar for them. But Tibetan people do this with more friendly gesture, and whatever my answer is, they look like satisfied to find a similar face person near by them anyway.  

Strangely, the Tibetan momo is becoming the taste of my sweet home nonetheless I’ve never been to Tibet in my life. Maybe…., one looks for a connection, especially being away.




だいたいどんなことを怒鳴っているかというと、「なんで今日がデッドラインの仕事がまだ箸をつけてもいないんだあ!」とか「人にいらん仕事を回すな!」とか「忙しい時に余計なことを思いつくな!」とか(これは逆に人に心の中で怒鳴られてそうだけど)、「なんじゃーこのデザインはっ!」とかそういうことである。 数年前は英語もつたなかったし一応低姿勢で「こういう理由ですから、なんとかお願いできませんか」と言って頼んでいたのだが、そういう遠回りをするのがもう面倒くさいし、いまさら感じのいい人間のふりをしても無駄だろ、ということで開き直ってどんどん周りの人間に向かってぷりぷり腹を立てている。昔のなんとか玉緒ちゃんのギャグをアレンジして、「もうもうもうもうープンプンプンー!」と叫んでは宙で握りこぶしをぶんぶん振っている毎日である。





Mango as Happiness and Love

My two friends recently got married. They both are very important people who became my friends after I am grown up and spent time together at a turning point of my life. The best part of their marriage is that when I visit one of them, I can see both of them at the same time, anytime, for the rest of my life.


This summer brought us sweet yellow mangoes. Mango season in India is only two months from April and May. April is for Alphonso mangoes which is our favorite. I go to a fruit shop and buy some pieces of mangoes, and say the shopkeeper “A very little kindness would be appreciated.” He gives a smile and discount about ten rupees or so.


Alphonso Mangoes have less fiber. While pealing the skin, the fresh melts by the pressure, so you may start swallowing in the kitchen sink and finish it there. Indian people mash a mango fresh without pealing the skin, and open a small hall on top and swallow it like a mango shake. This is easy way to have a mango effectively.


Haruki Murakami repeatedly writes about the importance of memories for a person’s life in his novels. We would be caught by a disaster, unlucky fate, or pathetic loneliness. The world is a tough place. Life is not an amusement park. But even so, if we try hard to remember good memories, even if it’s very few, and save them carefully as fuel of the heart, it warms us up and helps to go on.


I think the taste of Alphonso mangoes will be one of my small memories which helps me long term in the future. The happy yellow color, the heavenly sweetness, the smell, the faces of friends who shared one mango together in a late Sunday afternoon. Remembering them, I feel better. Feeling better, I go to a fruit market to buy some more, or call my friends talk about the memories. Every summer. Things continue. Maybe love and happiness of my life has the form of a small yellow mango.






